We’ve been busy these last weeks working on the upcoming online course. We are so eager for you to get access to this important course as soon as possible, so; Sorry—we know we’re late! Last week’s newsletter simply never happened.
But, we have something for you today! We just finished editing the latest video testimonial, and now we want to share it with you. It tells Trude’s story working with the INNATE method, and she answers some of the questions you might have if you are considering doing a treatment course with Ole and his method.
If you are new here, the INNATE method can be described in short like this: it is a unique healing method that has telepathy and karmic archaeology as some of the tools to heal trauma. We go to the past, be it this life or previous lives, and heal what went wrong. Then we take this knowledge with us into this life and this now, and become conscious so we can get the most out of our life.
Watch the video here, and let us know what you think! If you have any questions about the method, about what is achievable, or something that we didn’t even think of, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can leave a comment below this post, send us an email to the@innate.one, or use the contact form here. We would love to hear from you!
Enjoy this video with Trude, a lovely, bright and sharp lady who bravely shares a part of her path with you, because she herself appreciates learning from other’s experiences.
Have a lovely week, and remember to look up!
Ole and Linda

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