Thank you to everyone who participated in last Tuesday’s workshop on relationships. It was a different workshop this time, with a more significant engagement, and more technical discussions. We love how the workshops are formed by those who participate, and this goes to show that every workshop is different, even if the concept is the same every Tuesday. Next workshop is in three days, and you can sign up now, if you already know you want to join us.
The introduction to last Tuesday’s workshop is now available on YouTube. You can watch or re-watch it here:
Ole is also giving away his book for free in the form of readings, to make it accessible to as many as possible. You can listen to the first part here:
Subscribe to the channel, to get notifications when we post a new chapter.
A lot of our attention is paid to the world these days, and we are aware that the economic situation for many people is anxiety-provoking. To avoid causing more harm than good, we offer our courses and workshops for free to those of you who cannot prioritize paying for an education now, when you struggle to even pay for utilities and food.
So, therefore, if you want to join our first course, Perceiving and quantifying, you can sign up for it now, for free. Read more about the course that starts next year, as soon as we have enough participants, and sign up using the contact form on our web-page. You can find the direct links below.
Please share this newsletter with all those you think would benefit from our work, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments. The easiest way is through the contact form on our web-page, and the direct link is listed below.
We wish you all a peaceful Saturday.
Ole and Linda

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know:
Go here to sign up for our first course, or to reserve your spot in the next workshop:
Read more about our courses here:
If you want to receive our newsletter directly in your email, please SUBSCRIBE by sending us a message here: