As the headline says, it’s never too late to panic. This is a truth with modifications, though, if you want to participate in the first on-line course this weekend. The course is called ‘Perceiving and quantifying’, it will teach you the basics of telepathic trauma healing, and now is a good time to sign up. The price is 90 $ / 90 £ / 900 NOK, unless you have a subscription, in which case the course is included. Read more on our web-site, or contact us if you have any questions on how and when. Tomorrow, Wednesday February 1st will be your last chance to sign up. The course is live, we meet on Zoom, Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th of February, and we hope to see all those of you who want to be(come) the Master of your own life!
Tonight, Tuesday Jan 31st, we host an open workshop, where everyone can participate. We welcome you from 8:15 pm CET, and Ole starts at 8:30, where the “doors” close, so don’t be late. The topic of the evening is how to avoid panicking, and this will for sure make a good contribution to the prepping we have been doing for the past few years. You find the link further down. Please feel free to invite a friend if you feel they would benefit from our work as well. If you are unsure of what time CET is where you live, check out a time-zone map. (CET is Paris-time.)
If you missed our earlier work, you can catch the introductions to our workshop on one of our channels. We would love to share the actual work we do in the workshops, together and individually, but we want the space where we meet to be safe for sharing, so that we can help each other without feeling the need to hold back. Therefore, we never share our participants faces, names or voices. If you want to see the real trauma work we do, join us tonight. It might be just the experience you needed to take your healing journey to the next level! You find links to our different channels below.
Let us know if you have a specific topic you would like us to work on. You can send us suggestions through the contact form on our web-page. The direct link is listed below. We love to hear from you!
Link for tonight’s workshop:
If you are asked for a passcode, please use this one: 472717
See you soon!
Ole and Linda

You get more information on the first course here:
And you sign up for the first course, or send us suggestions for topics here:
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