I recently took a short trip abroad, and had an experience in the plane that I thought I would share with you. The plane was close to fully booked, and the staff were busy during both take-off and landing, helping the ones needing help, and making sure everything went as smooth as possible. We know they have a busy schedule, and that there is not much time between landing and getting the plane ready for the next trip.
Those of us who have children know that flying with kids can be extra stressful. And those of us who don’t have children know it too. The parents feel an obligation to keep the child quiet, so not to disturb the fellow travellers. Nobody wants to listen to a child crying for hours in the small, confined space that makes up the cabin of the plane. Especially not the parents. I have often experienced flight attendants wanting to help out, trying to cheer up unhappy children and/or parents. Some of them succeed, and others struggle somewhat. Just like the rest of us do.
At take-off, there was a small child who cried a bit, but as soon as we were in air, the toddler calmed down, and we forgot about the little girl. But as soon as all the hassle started with getting the plane and everyone on-board ready for landing, the toddler must have felt the stress from everyone around, and probably also the change in the engine, and started crying again. It wasn’t too bad, and the mother was on top of the situation. But as we were getting ready to leave the plane, and the mother was gathering all their belongings, the toddler’s crying got out of hand, and nothing seemed to calm her. Not her older sister, not her mother, and not the flight attendant. Even if they all really did their best.
I wasn’t really bothered by the crying, other than I felt sorry for everyone involved. I was in my seat, waiting for everyone else to leave, not wanting to take part in the stress and rushing out of the plane, knowing I had to wait for my luggage anyway. As I sat there, I closed my eyes, and connected telepathically with the toddler. I instantly felt her unease and how she felt not safe, not knowing what was happening. I mean, even I—an adult—find flying stressful. Imagine what a toddler must feel! And the poor mother as well. So I said ‘hi’ to the little girl. I smiled and waved at her. Not many second after, I had her attention. I continued to smile at her, telling her everything was OK. That both her and her mother and sister were safe, and that her mother had the situation under control. Not many seconds later her crying stopped. She no longer had a reason to cry. She felt safe.
The entire interaction with the little girl was telepathically. She didn’t even see me. And I only saw her mother. But she felt seen. And understood. And taken care of. Her stress was calmed, and her anxiety was relieved. In a matter of seconds. Her mother didn’t have to feel like she was insufficient. And the child didn’t have to get past my strange face to connect.
When the INNATE method is part of your every day life, situations like the one described above become normal. I would love for everyone to have experiences like mine. Learning how we are all connected, and how we can help ourselves and each other in a pain-free way, using our INNATE abilities.
The link to tonight’s workshop is here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87289017765?pwd=SDU2NmIzOFk4YmMyT2I0ZTg5NTRDUT09
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Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, and feel free to share the link with those of your friends and family whom you think would benefit from the workshop as well.
See you tonight!
Ole and Linda

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